
Sunday, September 30, 2007

My vision is blurry.

~ My son thinks I can see behind me, and underneath the table. Somehow I always know what he's doing, or how many fingers he's holding up. I'm not a super hero to him, I just eat lots of carrots so I can see through tables, and grow eyes in the back of my head, he says. I think it may be some motherly instinct, or maybe just chalk it down to the fact that I know my son, I am around him, and know what he's up to by certain sounds he's making, and as far as guessing how many fingers he's holding up, thats just luck, and he still thinks I'm great even when I do make a mistake.

~I am begining to wonder if that is similar to God's presence in my life. That the closer I am to him, the more I notice his presence around me, even when I can't clearly see him, or know what He's doing. I know He's there, and up to something, and the closer I am to him, the more likely I know what it is He's doing.

So often, I get caught up in the "where are you God," that I am failing to see that He's not gone anywhere, my vision and focus on him has just gotten blurry, and I haven't been around Him to know Him well enough to recognize that He's near, or up to something. I once heard a speaker say, "He never lets go." and I got this mental picture of God holding my wrist, not my hand. I envisioned it that way, because it hit me, that it was my choice to hold him back, and at times I let my hand drop, or don't have the strength to hold on, but He's got me, by the wrist, and He's not letting go, even when I can't see Him clearly, or hear Him clearly, or know what He is doing. He is always there, and always holding on.



Blogger urban mama said...

This is very encouraging. thank you for writing this today.

10:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has one of your kids ever had an absolute meltdown - so bad that you had to pick them up and remove them from the situation? You hold them tightly as they kick and scream and do the "wet noodle" to get away. I often think of that when I think of God never letting go - it's MY choice to kick and scream and try and squirm away . . . OR I can turn around, put my arms around His neck and bury my face into Him, letting His hold on my bring comfort and peace.
It's amazing how often a situation with my kids makes me think of my relationship with God . . . thanks for this reminder - Christina

3:00 PM

Blogger kddub said...

yes, that is so true! Having kids has opened my eyes to my relationship with God. I think it's helped me most in the area of Trusting Him and his leading.

7:28 AM

Blogger Grace said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

1:20 PM

Blogger Grace said...

I love your spiritual post!

1:22 PM


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