2007 is almost gone...
I decided at one point to stop making New Years resolutions, but instead was making "plans for the new year," which in reality is no different, yet somehow I am more comfortable with that title. It seems like if you make a plan, you can change the course of that along the way, but a resolution is so set in stone, that if it changes at all from the original goal, it feels like a failure. Nonetheless I do love the beginning of the New Year. It feels like a new beginning and a chance to become more of who I am supposed to be, a chance to live better, and a chance to start fresh with better intentions.
As the year closes, and the Christmas season passed (so quickly, didn't it?) I am starting to think about my plans, and what 2008 will be. I know it will be the year my oldest son starts "big school" and rides the bus. I know that it will consist of many changes, and so much is unknown, but for now, I am going to enjoy the last few days of the year, and think about the memories that have been created throughout these 365 days of 2007.
~What is your best 2007 memory?
Watching my wife dance the Charleston on stage.
8:40 PM
Probably getting my new job. I love where I work!
Happy New Year, Kristin!
1:28 AM
having another beautiful baby boy!!!!
10:24 AM
Dear Kristin,
Frankly, it is seeing the growth in God in loved ones...an example would be a girl who vowed she would never ever step into a church, but she is now! I thank God for all of you...also how God moved me into a different department at work after ~four years! Being in the ministry team...wow, it is only God who fashions things so very well! Praise God for all things and there are lots to be thankful for...but I pray that He would filter all that we do because we are merely human BUT He is God. I am praying to give Him this upcoming year as I look forward to HIS amazing grace while opening the presents He has already prepared for us all...Well wishes to a God-centered 2008 and may God continue to bless you and yours!!
1:13 PM
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