
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A couple of Bad days...

Yes that was me, the weird lady in the grocery store with the hot pink nose and upper lip, cracked lips and half open eyes... crying.... in the grocery store. Why you ask? Because I was feeling sorry for myself, but more likely because I have had a fever, a sore throaght, a really runny nose, no sleep, a baby who has refused to nurse, a husband whose been bed ridden, kids who have been really energetic, lots of bottles to sterilize, engorged breasts to pump, an achy body, with a weird itchy rash I got from that vapor bath stuff, and I can't take any medicine. So there I stood looking longingly at Day-Quil, crying because I can't take it, because my baby (who won't nurse) can't have it.
But I am greatfull for a few things...
1. Self checkout things so when your face looks really weird and you are crying in a grocery store you don't have to make eye contact with anyone.
2. For our friends and neighbors who have brought us food all week!
3. For our friends who've provided the frozen peas, and emotional support my husband has needed!
4. My neighbor/friend who offered to watch my baby all night long. (which I didn't take her up on, because I am the "I don't need any help" kind of person, and then realize that I do later)
5. My husband insisting, then limping to pick up my son from pre school today, so that I can get a nap and sit for longer than 5 minutes.
6. The wonderful box I got in the mail today from my church in Ca. filled with kind words and generous gifts for the new baby.
7. That I have a soft comfortable bed and don't have to sleep on dirt, that would really suck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry it's been so rough for you Kristin. Frankly, that does all sound pretty awful.

I hope everyone gets better soon.

3:09 PM

Blogger kddub said...

Thanks Kat... already feeling better, a couple of hours in bed can do wonders!

3:22 PM

Blogger urban mama said...

Man, I wish I lived closer! But I bet I will have fun stories to tell you when our third arrives. I have been thinking about you a lot and I hope you are doing better. The only advise that helps me when things get rough is " This to shall pass"

4:03 PM

Blogger Larissa said...

oh my goodness, kristin! so nice to hear from you! i can't believe you guys have boy #3?!?! how exciting/ crazy/ busy for you. it sounds like you're doing well- overall i guess. it must be such an adjustment for you! there's been some things in our lives that have been going on and made me think of you a lot lately... email me definitely when you get a minute... larissajohnson@cox.net. i'll be praying for you with nursing... that is the most challenging thing about pregnancy/ new baby/ etc... to me, anyway. it's amazing and worth it- but still so hard.

4:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for the peas too.

5:26 PM


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