
Monday, November 19, 2007

UnTraditional is our Tradition

~My husband and I have been married for 7 years, and every year our Thanksgiving has been different, and gotten more unique as the years have gone by.
We've had the traditional Thanksgiving dinners with family, which is a very enjoyable experience. We've gone to a resort where our friend was cooking a wonderful feast. We've eaten in a restaurant after picking up family from the airport, and we've shared Thanksgiving dessert with friends, after a quiet meal together.
This year, to continue our traditon of having an un traditional Thanksgiving, we are heading to Atlanta, GA to meet up with friends of ours who just moved to Florida. They have 3 boys as well, around the same ages as our boys, so there will be a lot of fun had by all. We are staying in the same hotel, and going to go to the fun, kid friendly attractions around the town. It will be a good time, and fun to see where we end up eating our Thanksgiving feast!

~So, what are your thanksgiving plans?

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!


Blogger urban mama said...

That sounds great. We are doing a traditional dinner with family.

11:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm excited!!

8:13 AM

Blogger annie said...

We are changing up the menu a bit and spending Thanksgiving Day with my family. The next day, we're doing it all over again at my inlaws! Then, HELLO TURKEY SANDWICHES.

Hope you guys have a great time.

8:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi kristen,

im in seattle with jenny and her family and were going to have turkey but im not sure if its going to be traditional cause their from britan and they dont really celebrate thanks giving but I think it will be fun. they like games and all that fun stuff.

8:16 PM

Blogger Grace said...

We had Thanksgiving at our house this year. It was great and the kiddos love it!

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

10:02 PM


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